Thursday, April 16, 2009

Seminar traffic dying, now what?

with people being able to afford less and less travel and with them not being able to take time away from their practice, most seminars attendance is wanning. What can be done to offset that? Teleseminars are one old-school option, but webinars are proving to be an effective way of getting your message out to the health care professionals. The addition of having visuals on the screen as opposed to voice only on a teleseminar makes a big difference. If you don' t know how to pull off a webinar on your own - including building traffic and attendance, there are many companies who can do this for you, including magazine publishers, who do the marketing for you to "fill you seats."

Bottom line, Sales are not made from print ads alone. You need to do more. And webinars are a way to get your more detailed message out there without have the expense of travel - including YOUR expense of travel and setting a seminars. Today's realities demand that you find more ways to educate than live, in-person seminars. If you have seen your seminar #s drop, look into webinars as a senisible alternative.

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